Anti-Choice Extremists push Personhood in Montana

Anti-choice extremists in Montana have revised their rejected Personhood ballot to make it more ambiguous and manipulative with the hopes that he will clear it for a new 2010 ballot initiative drive.

They claim the revised initiative is “less extreme” by dropping the word personhood, instead focusing on the phrase “all stages of biological development”. Even after their manipulative wordsmithing the proposed amendment is the same: to make it so fertilized eggs have the same rights as an adult human being. What this means is that everything from common forms of birth control; abortion; in-vitro fertilization; embryonic stem cell research- all of these could be outlawed. Families will find the government invading their personal lives as single-issue out of state extremist groups take hold of state Constitution.

This is not the first attempt to pass Personhood in Montana. In 2008, a Personhood movement there failed to gain the signatures needed to get it on the ballot by more than half the required number. This year, a previously submitted amendment was struck down by a legislative committee that found that the language would violate Montana’s strict right to privacy guarantee in the state Constitution. However, if this new amendment is cleared, a new petition drive will be started to allow extremists to place an amendment on the ballots in 2010- and give Montana’s rights over to single-issue outsider groups.

Take Action today- sign our letter to state Party chairs telling them Personhood is not a Republican vehicle for success- and it violates our Party principles.

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